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Moldova, along with Georgia, Turkey, Ukraine, to benefit from World Bank's grant of 6.39 million dollars to reduce Black Sea's pollution

18:03 | 13.09.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 13 September /MOLDPRES/ - Moldova, along with Georgia, Turkey and Ukraine, will benefit from a grant worth 6.39 million dollars, provided by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) to finance a GEF regional project, Blueing the Black Sea (BBSEA). The grant today was approved by the World Bank and will back the efforts of the governments and the public sector in the countries benefiting from the reduction of the pollution of the Black Sea.    

The programme is set to cut the sea’s pollution, to catalyze the investments in the Blue Economy and to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and the cooperation between the countries on the coast of the Black Sea: Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, Turkey and Ukraine, the rivers of which flow into the Black Sea.   

Besides the consolidation of the regional dialogue, the BBSEA Programme is also set to contribute to the establishment of a consolidated national dialogue, for the integration of the measures of reducing the marine pollution in the context of the country strategies as to the adaptation to the climate changes and their attenuation.   

The BBSEA GEF regional programme will promote and finance the ecological innovations through the approaching of the phenomenon of eutrophication in the Black Sea, giving the institutions from the public sector, development partners and potential investors possibility to identify, verify and invest in innovating solutions for preventing and reducing the pollution.    



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