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Moldovan president donates Robert Blum Award for Democracy 2024 worth 25,000 euros for reconstruction of church

11:31 | 14.09.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 14 September /MOLDPRES/ - President Maia Sandu donates the Robert Blum Award for Democracy 2024, worth 25,000 euros, received in Germany in last May. The money will be used for the repair and conservation of the Church Saint Parascheva from the Niscani village, central Calarasi district.   

The decision was taken following an approach made by the parochial council, which asked for support for the repair of this historical monument.  

The Church Saint Parascheva, built in 1905, is an architecture monument of national importance, included in the Register of Moldova’s monuments protected by the state (No 191). The church is an essential symbol of the cultural and religious heritage of the Niscani village, with a priceless historical and spiritual value for the local community.     

The local authorities and the residents of Niscani express gratitude to President Maia Sandu for the support of Moldova’s cultural and spiritual values.  

President Maia Sandu received the Leipzig Robert Blum Award for Democracy 2024, provided under the patronage of Germany’s president. The ceremony of awarding took place in the German city of Leipzig on 18 May. The award is accompanied by a sum of 25,000 euros – a sum which the head of state will donate, the Presidency informed also at that time.    

„This award is not only a recognition of my efforts, but also a proof of the resilience and determination of Moldova’s citizens on the way towards democracy,’’ President Sandu said, according to the presidential institution.   

The Robert Blum Award for Democracy is awarded in the Leipzig city once in two years. It is offered to personalities who made themselves conspicuous in the promotion of the human rights and democracy. Robert Blum was a German politician of the 19th century, who fought for the unification of Germany, for justice and freedom.      





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