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Cultural diversity celebrated in Taraclia

11:23 | 16.09.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, Sep 16 /MOLDPRES/- Speaker Igor Grosu celebrated unity through diversity at Etno Fest in Taraclia, an event with a 23-year history, which promotes the traditions and customs of different ethnic communities living in our country, the parliament's communication and public relations department has reported.

In a message addressed to the participants of the event held this weekend, the official noted that the festival is a true celebration of friendship. "We in the Republic of Moldova have been living in peace and good understanding for ages, regardless of our language, culture and traditions. These rich and beautiful traditions are particularly noticeable in the south of the country. I wish that we will continue to succeed in building an inclusive and strong society in Moldova, one which values cultural diversity, protects the traditions of communities, encourages citizens to speak and preserve their mother tongue. Equally important is that we provide well-being for all citizens of the Republic of Moldova, regardless of the ethnic community they belong to", said Grosu.

The festival started with a parade of Romanian, Bulgarian, Gagauz and Ukrainian folk costumes, followed by a recital by the Bulgarian dance and music ensemble "Rodoliubie", the pride of Bulgarians in the Republic of Moldova. Throughout the festival, participants enjoyed traditions and customs specific to the communities living in our country, diverse music, a festive atmosphere and interesting activities for all ages. The festival brought together craftsmen and local producers from the south of Moldova, artistic collectives from the Republic of Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria and Ukraine, exhibitions selling traditional objects from different cultures and a varied gastronomic fair.

The event was attended by MPs, representatives of the diplomatic staff accredited to our country, local authorities, the Agency for Interethnic Relations, many inhabitants of the region and guests from different parts of the country. The festival was organized by Taraclia District Council. The event has been held annually since 2001 aimed at promoting the traditions of different ethnic communities, strengthening interethnic relations and facilitating intercultural dialogue.








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