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President's message at Moldova Partnership Platform

13:11 | 17.09.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 17 Sep. /MOLDPRES/- Joining the European Union is the Marshall Plan of the Republic of Moldova. This forum is of significant importance for our country on the path to progress, resilience and stability. We are ready to work side by side to build a strong Moldova, a place where we all feel at home in a united Europe. Head of state Maia Sandu made the statements at the opening of the 5th edition of Moldova Partnership Platform held today in Chisinau.

The president delivered a speech in both English and Romanian. She thanked France, Germany and Romania for creating this platform, as well as all the partners who supported this initiative.

"Looking into this room, I am overwhelmed with gratitude and full of hope. Moldova is not alone, we are surrounded by friends and together we are stronger. Moldova support platform has turned into the partnership platform, which represents an alliance to support our evolving needs. We started this path together in Berlin in April 2022, shortly after the Russian invasion of Ukraine. During that difficult period, Moldova faced multiple crises: the flow of refugees, energy crises and the economic impact caused by the war, but we made significant progress. Since then we have been able to maintain peace and stability at home. We implemented important reforms in many sectors, we showed the whole world that Moldova can overcome challenges. I want to say clearly now that the support we received from our friends in Europe, but also from all over the world, played a crucial role. It helped us overcome crises. Your solidarity is a clear proof of whom the Republic of Moldova can count on," said Maia Sandu.

The official noted that the challenges facing the country remain significant. "The challenges are not only ours, Moldova's, they are the challenges of the whole of Europe, but we have been affected to a greater extent than others. With the available measures, we managed to stabilize the economic and financial situation. To contribute to the economic recovery, we need investment, especially in infrastructure. Moreover, these investments are extremely important for encouraging the development of the private sector. In order to succeed, we need to close the gaps we face and we cannot achieve this without your assistance", said Maia Sandu.

The president encouraged the meeting participants to be innovative and decisive. Maia Sandu said that Moldova is ready to encourage growth and stability at home and in the region, but needs support in this regard.

"Everything we do is aimed at improving the lives of our people, building roads, bridges, schools, hospitals and creating new jobs. We have a lot to do and we know that only together we can turn our dreams into reality. We are ready to work side by side to build a strong Moldova, a place where we all feel at home, in a united Europe", emphasized Maia Sandu.

The 5th edition of the Ministerial Conference of Moldova Partnership Platform is being held today in Chisinau. The event is attended by 65 delegations led by ministers, deputy ministers and state secretaries of the partner countries, representatives of the diplomatic staff and international organizations.

The first edition of the Ministerial Conference of Moldova Support Platform took place in Berlin, Germany, on April 5, 2022. The second edition took place in Bucharest, Romania, on July 15, 2022. The third edition of the Conference of took place in Paris, France on November 21, 2022. The next edition was held in Chisinau on October 17, 2023.


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