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Moldovan Prime Minister orders inventory of all reservoirs and protection dykes following heavy rains

14:33 | 18.09.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, Sep 18 /MOLDPRES/- Prime Minister Dorin Recean has called for an inventory of all reservoirs and protection dykes in the country, following the heavy rainfall last weekend, which caused floods and damage in several localities.

"On Saturday and Sunday we had very difficult days, it rained about three times more than all spring. Cantemir and Leova were affected the most," Recean said at the beginning of today's cabinet meeting. The Prime Minister thanked all those who were involved in liquidating the consequences of the bad weather. "I thank all police, rescuers, roadmen, emergency doctors, those who worked in the energy and the army who mobilized quickly and helped citizens," he said.

The official ordered the inventory of reservoirs and protection dykes.

"Together with the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations and the local public administration we have to review absolutely every case. As a good part of these reservoirs are exploited in a non-compliant way and that is why we have some incidents of flooding", he said.

The heavy rains caused flooding and damage in several localities, particularly in the center and south of the country.


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