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Prime Minister attends opening Moldova Business Week 2024

13:10 | 16.09.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, Sep 16 /MOLDPRES/- Prime Minister Dorin Recean attended today opening Moldova Business Week 2024, which is taking place on 16-20 September in Chisinau. The most important international economic event of the year gathers more than a thousand businessmen, investors and experts, who will explore the economic potential of our country, the government's communication department has reported.

In his speech, Recean emphasized that the government wants to change the perception of entrepreneurs and make sure that foreign businessmen analyze the Republic of Moldova as a destination to place their investments. "This event is an opportunity to talk to people, talk to potential partners and explore new opportunities," he said.

The official emphasized several key aspects that should motivate business people to invest in the Republic of Moldova. These are the access to a large market, the development of the capital market, the preparation of well-qualified human resources, as well as the creation of clear rules of activity for entrepreneurs.

"Efficiency of state institutions is important, we are de-bureaucratizing and digitalizing processes. Not everything is ideal, but the government is continuously improving the services it provides to entrepreneurs," the Prime Minister said.

He also referred to the development of business infrastructure, energy and road infrastructure, support measures for small and medium-sized enterprises, support for the research and innovation sector.

Under Moldova Business Week 2024, 18 events will be organized in four key regions of the country: Chisinau, Edinet, Balti and Ungheni. They will be dedicated to the most competitive sectors of the national economy: real estate and IT, agribusiness, electronics, tourism and wine, pharmaceuticals and medical tourism, automotive industry.




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