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As of 16 September, qualified e-signatures to be issued in all multi-purpose centers of ASP

14:03 | 16.09.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, Sep 16 /MOLDPRES/- Public Services Agency (ASP) announces that as of today, qualified electronic signatures will be issued in all multifunctional centers of the ASP.

The service is provided only to individuals. "Having a qualified electronic signature, citizens can sign electronic documents, which have the same legal value as a handwritten signature. At the same time, the qualified electronic signature provides the possibility to remotely access useful information from the citizen's personal cabinet ( and obtain various digital services from the Public Services Portal (," ASP explains.

The ASP encourages citizens to perfect a qualified electronic signature in order to benefit from the opportunities it offers.

The project is carried out in collaboration with the Information Technology and Cyber Security Service.


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