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National Wine Day to bring together about 100 Moldovan producers on Great National Assembly Square on 5, 6 October

15:43 | 19.09.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 19 September /MOLDPRES/ - About 100 native wine producers will participate in the 23rd edition of the National Wine Day, due to be organized on the Great National Assembly Square (PMAN) on 5 and 6 October.    

The organizers this year prepare more surprises and novelties for the visitors. At the event, they will be able to discover well-known wines, which won medals at international competitions, as well as wines of the new harvest and launches of new products.  

This year, the format of the event will be changed and the area of its organization will be extended, so that the gastronomic zone will be placed along the Stefan cel mare blvd., between the Metropolitan Gavriil Banulescu-Bodoni and Maria Cebotari streets. On the National Wine Day, the access to PMAN will be free and the people willing to participate in tastings will have to buy the Taster’s Card.  

At a today’s news conference, Deputy Prime Minister, Agriculture and Food Industry Minister Vladimir Bolea said that the wine was the visiting card of Moldova. ‘’No matter where we go, everywhere people speak about Moldova as about a country producing highly qualitative wines and this is due to the work of our wine producers. There is a huge work behind the wine. The Wine Festival is a unique event in the world,’’ Vladimir Bolea said.      

The deputy PM invited all citizens and guests of Moldova to come to the National Wine Day, to discuss directly with wine producers and, at the same time, visit wineries from the country, the gates of which will be opened for the visitors willing to see how the quality wine is produced.  

At the same time, Vladimir Bolea also said that he had invited the European Commissioner for Agriculture and the agriculture ministers from Romania and the Baltic States to the National Wine Festival.   

The director of the National office of Vine and Wine, Stefan Iamandi, said that, on 5 and 6 October, the Chisinau city would turn into a ‘’town of wine,’’ where ‘’thousands of tourists, tens of thousands of people fond of wine’’ meet in PMAN, in order to taste the most special liquors and to exchange experience.   

„This year, we come up with more novelties. First of all, we come with a slogan a new country brand and namely, Wine of Moldova. Unexpectedly Great. This is a message meant to consolidate and show the impact between traditions and innovations, through which we want to crystalize all Moldova has the best, including the vine and wine products and, at the same time, for our wines to compete not only on the local market, but also on the international market, where we export over 85 per cent of the wines,’’ Stefan Iamandi said.     

According to the ONVV head, so far, 99 wine-makers have been registered, who will participate in the event, which, according to him, is a record number. ‘’Year after year, the number of the participants increases. While we started with about 40 wine-makers ten years ago, now, we have 99. It is not ruled out that there will be over 100 participants, as the registration continues. This proves the fact that the vine-growing and wine-making sector develops; this is a sector where there is a huge potential,’’ Stefan Iamandi noted.        

Besides the events organized in the centre of Chisinau, citizens will be able to go to wineries from Moldova, which will be open for visitors. They will have possibility to discover the area of production, feel the fragrance of the fresh must, to taste the thick wine and Moldovan traditional dishes.   

At the same time, on 5 and 6 October, the passengers due to land at the Chisinau International Airport will receive one bottle of wine and an invitation each to participate in the National Winer Day.    

The event is organized by the National Office of Vine and Wine, with the support of the strategic partner, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Moldova and the UMAEF - Ukraine-Moldova American Enterprise Fund. The institutional partners are the Agriculture and Food Industry Ministry and the Culture Ministry.    

According to statistics, over 2 per cent of all vineyards of the world are placed in Moldova, which is among the first 20 wine-producing countries, being also an important exporter of the world. The vine-growing and wine-making industry represents one of the key branches of Moldova’s economy. The Moldovan wines are exported to more than 70 countries from all over the world.    





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