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Moldovan PM visits Community Centre of Rascani city, renovated through European Village Programme

19:50 | 24.09.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, 24 September /MOLDPRES/ - Prime Minister Dorin Recean has visited the Community Centre from the northern Rascani city, endowed with 495 theatre seats and five air conditioning apparatus through the European Village Programme. The value of the investment was of almost 1.5 million lei.    

At the same time, the stage of the Community Centre was repaired last year, due to the LEADER Programme. The overall value of the project was of over 360,000 lei, of which 200,000 lei was allocated from the National Fund of Development of Agriculture and Rural Environment.  

The cultural building was damaged during three years and did not have heating. Now, following the renovation from the summer of 2023, the community centre is one of the most modern in north Moldova.

Prime Minister Dorin Recean appreciated the modernization of the Community Centre and the passion of the Rascani city’s residents for the promotion of art.

„The government builds for children and adults, in villages and cities, in the centre, north and south. We will continue investing in infrastructure, education, culture and health, in all sectors,’’ the prime minister added.   




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