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10 solid biofuel producers make businesses energy efficient with support from UNDP and Japan

14:22 | 25.09.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, 25 Sep. /MOLDPRES/- 10 businesses producing solid biofuels will make their businesses more energy efficient and modernize their pellet and briquette production lines under the UNDP project "Multidimensional response to emerging human security challenges", funded by the Government of Japan. 

"Existing producers of solid biofuels are supported to promote resource-efficient production, including the use of energy-efficient technologies. The 10 selected companies will receive non-monetary support in the form of equipment and services to mitigate the increase in production costs caused by high energy prices, high equipment maintenance and logistics costs, and limited competitiveness on the local market", the source said. 

The support programme will help to reduce production costs, allowing the selected companies to invest the savings in business expansion and will also increase energy security for the population by facilitating access to affordable energy.

"With this briquetting machine, which is much more efficient, we are practically doubling our production capacity per hour, i.e. we will do in three hours what now takes us 6-7 hours. This also means more efficient electricity consumption, which will also be reflected in a better and more affordable price for the final material. We are very grateful for this support, which is being provided at the right time. The impact of this investment will be positive for the maintenance on the market and the development of our business, but we are indirect beneficiaries, because not only the company, but also the domestic consumers in the districts of Căușeni, Ștefan Vodă and Anenii Noi, who buy biomass from us, will benefit. In fact, by supporting our company, the project makes heating more affordable for the residents of these districts, because we will be able to offer the briquettes at a lower price," says Svetlana Nitoreanu, the manager of Lanacomlux.

Nine out of the ten supported businesses will benefit from equipment worth up to US$42,000, namely mobile shredders (with or without motor), photovoltaic systems, upgrading/repair of pellet and/or briquette production lines. A company is to purchase and install a solid biomass heating plant worth up to $75,000, provided that the heat is subsequently sold to a public institution. Each beneficiary contributes financially a minimum of 10% of the total cost of their project. All 10 will receive the necessary training and guidance to turn these projects into models of success and sustainability.

The "Multidimensional response to emerging human security challenges" project has the overall objective to safeguard human security and enhance the Republic of Moldova's capacity to manage the complex and interconnected development challenges amplified by the multidimensional crisis.







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