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EUROPEAN VILLAGE: Multifunctional sports complex built in Greblești village, Straseni

11:04 | 02.10.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, Oct 2 /MOLDPRES/- A multifunctional complex, which includes a mini-football field and a fitness one, was built in Greblești village, Straseni, under the National Program European Village, first edition.

The new complex has been equipped with sports facilities. 

The village has also benefited from a project to modernize street lighting under the European Village Express programme. The National Office for Regional and Local Development said that the extension of the street lighting network in Greblești included the construction of a 2.2 km-long network, the installation of 13 new pylons and the installation of 50 LED lighting fixtures.

Greblești mayor Aliona Chircu said that these initiatives have brought a new lease of life to the locality, helping attract young families and allowing the organization of various socio-cultural activities such as festivals, regional competitions and local gatherings.

"The projects have been set up to be sustainable. The lighting system, which makes us safer at night, uses energy-efficient technologies, which allows us to save money in the local budget. Also, the multipurpose complex, which provides a modern space for outdoor sports activities and promotes a healthy lifestyle, is made of durable materials, ensuring a long life and safety for users," said the mayor.

The value of the two projects implemented in Greblești amounts to over 2.4 million lei. The money was allocated by the government through the National Fund for Regional and Local Development.






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