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Emil Ceban re-elected rector of USMF "Nicolae Testemitanu"

15:05 | 03.10.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, Oct 3 /MOLDPRES/- The Institutional Strategic Development Council (CDSI) of the State University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Nicolae Testemitanu" of the Republic of Moldova has validated the electoral process for the election of the rector, held on 2 October 2024. Emil Ceban was re-elected rector with the votes of 696 electors, which is 82% of the total number of voters.

The elections were attended by 849 voters out of the total number of 915 voters included in the electoral list (914 - in the basic list and one voter was included in the additional list), which is more than 2/3 of the total number of voters. The number of valid votes cast is 845 and four ballots were declared invalid.

The three eligible candidates got votes as follows: Emil Ceban - 696 votes; Oleg Lozan - 135 votes; Anatolie Visnevschi - 18 votes.

According to CDSI, the turnout of the university community entitled to vote in the elections of the rector of USMF "Nicolae Testemitanu" amounted to 92.79%. Students (representatives in the Senate and faculty councils) cast 94.44% of their votes. The whole process of electing the rector was monitored by three observers, who were delegated by the candidates.

CDSI President Ion Dodon said that the electoral process was carried out according to the legal requirements: "The vote expresses the will of the academic community of USMF "Nicolae Testemitanu". The elections were held by a legal, secret and freely expressed vote of the academic community, and took place without any incidents," the source said.

Dodon will inform the Ministry of Health about the result of the election of Emil Ceban as rector and will forward it to the founding authority: CDSI Decision No. 6 of 02.10.2024 on the validation of the results of the election of the rector of the USMF "Nicolae Testemițanu", the report on the results of the vote counting on 2 October and Emil Ceban's file.

The rector is to be confirmed in his post, based on the election results, by an order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Moldova, within three months at the latest.


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