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ARBOM makes video clip for preventing misinformation in online environment of Moldova

17:56 | 03.10.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 3 October /MOLDPRES/ - The Association for Development of the Bulgarian Community from Moldova (ARBOM) has launched a video clip, which is part of the programme on the prevention of misinformation in the online environment, implemented in cooperation and with the financial support of Bulgaria’s Embassy in Moldova.  

The project’s goal is to help the people who are in the risk group of information consumers exposed to fake news not to become victims of manipulations.  

„Our parents, grandparents are exposed to the wave of information, which try to distort people’s perception about the true state of things. We are set to show, based on a situation taken from daily life, how the stories with bombastic, shocking titles which draw the attention of information consumers, and show them to what namely they must pay attention, in order not to let themselves be manipulated. Any information can and must be verified and young people have a vital role here – to help the elderly ones to be more critical and selective as regards the news they are daily bombarded with,’’ the ARBOM project manager, Tatiana Bahova, said.     

The video clip will be broadcast in October at more TV channels, including Jurnal TV, One TV and Star TV, as well as will be published on online platforms and on social networks.  

Within the same project, the ARBOM team made another video clip with infographic details about the steps necessary for a correct and untainted informing.  


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