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Moldovan deputy premier meets MEP today

12:53 | 04.10.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, Oct. 4 /MOLDPRES/- Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs Mihai Popșoi had a meeting with MEP Siegfried Mureșan today. The two officials noted "they will boost efforts to bring the Republic of Moldova closer to integration into the European Union".

"I was happy to meet again in Chisinau with my good friend, Siegfried Muresan. I congratulated him on his appointment as president of the European Parliament Delegation for relations with the Republic of Moldova. I am convinced that we will continue the good collaboration that we have had over time. Siegfried Mureșan is a firm supporter of the European path of the Republic of Moldova and together we will intensify efforts to bring our country even closer to integration into the European Union", said Mihai Popșoi.

Siegfried Mureșan said he will continue "to defend the interests of the Republic of Moldova and its citizens in the European Parliament, as he has done for the last 10 years".

"The Republic of Moldova is very important for the security of the European Union and it is very important for Romania. That is precisely why we must give him the support he deserves. As the president of the Delegation, my main objective is to help the Republic of Moldova to be prepared for the accession to the European Union and to combat the security threats from the Russian Federation. At the same time, I believe that the Republic of Moldova needs more financial and technical support from the European Union in order to be able to modernize, to reform and be prepared for accession", said Siegfried Mureșan.

MEP Siegfried Muresan is on a working visit to Chisinau on Friday. The official also had a meeting with deputy speaker Doina Gherman.


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