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REFERENDUM 2024 // Composer Eugen Doga, writer Iulian Ciocan, president of National Congress of Ukrainians Dmitry Lecarțev support EU membership, only way for Moldova to develop

18:25 | 09.08.2024 Category: Referendum 2024

On 20 October 2024, the citizens of the Republic of Moldova will participate in a constitutional referendum and will answer the question "Do you agree with amending the Constitution for Moldova's accession to the European Union?"

The results of the plebiscite will provide the basis, if the majority of the population answers yes to this question, for amending the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova so that the desire for European integration will be binding for all future governments.

The accession of the Republic of Moldova to the European Union means a return to the civilized world to which our country also belongs. Moldova 'is Europe' and now has a 'unique opportunity' to promote its national values and choose the path of development. The referendum on October 20, 2024 will show how many Moldovans want to be in the EU and how many want to remain in the Russian world. At the same time, not taking part in the referendum means taking away the future of our children. Eugen Doga, composer, People's Artist, Iulian Ciocan, writer, publicist and Dmitry Lecarțev, president of the National Congress of Ukrainians of Moldova expressed opinions during the campaign REFERENDUM 2024, conducted by MOLDPRES news agency.


Eugen Doga, composer, People's Artist: "We are Europeans. Europe is our home and we remain Europeans as the God made us"

"The Republic of Moldova is part of Europe, we are in Europe and this referendum on Moldova's accession to the European Union is a relevant electoral exercise. All citizens must participate and say openly: we are Europeans. The Russians have crossed the line. It is their idea not to have people come to the plebiscite in order to put them off. We are going into the civilized world and we are not empty-handed. We must ensure the prospect of national development. In Soviet times the word national was synonymous with enemy, it sounded like an accusation. Now we have this opportunity to assert ourselves, promote our national values, demonstrate to the whole world that we have always been part of European culture and civilization. I wrote "Ode to Europe". We remain Europeans as the good Lord made us. On this earth we were born, on this earth we create, on this earth the generation of Europeans continues".

Iulian Ciocan, writer, publicist: "The referendum is an opportunity to see clearly how many of us want to embrace European values and how many want to remain in Putin's Russian world"

"It is clear that the pro-European rulers need this referendum, since they want to amend the Constitution, as it is hard to assume that they will have enough seats in Parliament to do so. I like referendums, it is the most democratic way to change a situation in society. It is also an opportunity to clarify, to see clearly how many of us want to embrace European values and how many want to remain in Putin's Russian world.

I hope the war in Ukraine has taken the veil off Moldovans, but I am not very convinced. What will happen if 50% of the citizens of the Republic of Moldova choose the Euro-Asian area in the referendum? Even if it is less than that some 30-40%, what will the governments do? Will they just ignore them and continue vigorous path towards the EU? In that case, might there not be problems? Let's be clear, I am pro-European, I am scared of Russia's aggressiveness, but I want to understand what the governments are going to do."

Dmitry Lecarțev, President of the National Congress of Ukrainians of Moldova: "Today we are choosing between civilization and barbarism, between opportunities and stagnation"

"I would like to read the strategies about possible ways of development of Moldova either independently or in cooperation with Russia. Such strategies do not exist. Do you know why? Neither Moldova's development nor its existence in general is envisaged in these scenarios. The EU is not perfect, as you can see: there are problems with trade quotas, migration and bureaucracy in taking important decisions. That is true. But do you see any alternative? We have no industry, we have no production, we have practically no added value and our infrastructure is in a critical situation. That would require investments of billions. Where do you plan to attract them from, if you think there is another way for Moldova?

We have allowed ourselves to be deceived for too long, choosing between nostalgia for the old times in the USSR and fear of the unknown in the prospect of EU membership. Moldova is a small country. 

Today we are choosing between civilization and barbarism, between opportunity and stagnation. Perhaps 30 years of pendulum swinging between the two directions is enough to understand that, in this position, we are not moving forward. Therefore, it is time to decide, to be mature, to make a choice, especially as there will be no second chance.

For me, the EU is first and foremost peace and protection. EU countries have not been fighting each other and provoking wars for decades. Secondly, it offers the possibility of preserving our identity and not dissolving into history. Poles remain Poles, Czechs remain Czechs and Moldovans will remain Moldovans in the EU; this diversity is a richness. It is also an opportunity. We must look at things objectively. The EU is about technologies and economy. No one promises it will be easy."





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