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Official Journal of Moldova marks 30th anniversary

12:20 | 12.08.2024 Category: Social

On 12 August 1994 the first edition of OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA was published. It is the only official publication of the state, a public structure of national interest, which ensures the publication of the law to be known and applied by the authorities and citizens.

"On 12 August 2024 the Official Journal of the Republic of Moldova marks the 30th anniversary of its first publication. The editorial staff comes to this beautiful anniversary with almost 9,300 publications. Everybody knows that the OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA is the only official publication of the state, a public structure of national interest, which ensures a high professionalism in the publication of official acts that must be known and applied by the authorities and citizens, it facilitates the accurate and rapid knowledge of official acts, thus contributing to the consolidation of the rule of law," says Simion Ropot, editor-in-chief of the Official Journal of Moldpres State News Agency".

According to the provisions of the Law no.173-XIII of 06.07.1994 on the publication and entry into force of official acts, the OFFICIAL JOURNAL publishes laws, parliament decisions, presidential decrees, government decisions and regulations, the Constitutional Court and Court of Accounts' decisions, normative acts of the specialized central bodies of the public administration, the National Bank of Moldova, the National Commission for Financial Markets etc.

Simion Ropot: Over the years, our editorial office has published 53 volumes of international treaties, now the international acts are published in the Romanian edition.

If previously the OFFICIAL JOURNAL was published once a week, nowadays, in addition to the basic Friday edition, if necessary, the bulletin of official acts can appear additionally on any day of the week, sometimes even several editions on the same day.

Simion Ropot: We have a team of professionals who work with great responsibility and dedication. I am personally proud to have completed three decades of work this year in this special team, together with coordinating editor Vasile Josan, senior editors Ludmila Butnaru, Natalia Oleinicova, technical editors Stela Scvorțov, Ludmila Balaniuc, Aurelia Rusu, Diana Odobescu, editors Angela Golban, Eugenia Proca, Elena Bobeica, Tamara Esinencu, Natalia Telembici, Nina Ivanova, and other colleagues of MOLDPRES.

The OFFICIAL JOURNAL is currently published at least once a week and consists of five parts:

Part I - laws, parliament decisions, presidential decrees, acts of the Constitutional Court and the Court of Accounts, international acts and reports of the Center for Human Rights;

Part II - Government decisions and regulations;

Part III - normative acts of the specialized central bodies of the public administration and the National Bank of Moldova;

Part IV - information on registration, suspension and termination of activity of parties, other social-political and public organizations, as well as economic agents, information on the application according to the law of the bankruptcy procedure of enterprises and organizations;

Part V - applications for citizenship of the Republic of Moldova, advertisment on the loss of documents certifying ownership, marital status, profession and education, loss of service cards etc.

Since it has been published by Moldpres, the OFFICIAL JOURNAL has proven its credibility and performance thanks to the high professionalism, efficiency and tenacity of the editorial staff.

Simion Ropot: On this day, I would like to express my appreciation to those who laid the foundations for the publication of Official Journal - Agency Director-General at that time Dumitru Țâra and Editorial Department Director, departed Nicon Pâslaru.

We are fully convinced that we will continue to fulfill our tasks and that the Official Journal will always be made available to citizens in the best possible conditions," Ropot said.

The OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF MOLDOVA is a legally protected product and gives MOLDPRES the right to authorize its reproduction or the creation of other derivative products only by subscribers, according to the subscription contract, with the obligation to use it within the limits provided for in the contract, not to distort its content.



Reporter- Lilia Grubîi







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