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Prime Minister on situation in agricultural sector: Government implements support measures to partially compensate for losses

16:59 | 14.08.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, Aug. 14 /MOLDPRES/- We understand the difficulties faced by many producers due to the severe drought, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry is collecting and verifying information based on the requests. Prime Minister Dorin Recean made the statement. He noted that the government is closely monitoring the situation in the agricultural sector.

The premier said that as in previous years, the government is helping farmers and implementing support measures to partially compensate for losses. Thus, an additional 100 million lei was allocated to the subsidy fund in July 2024 budget rectification, he said.

The official added he will invite representatives of the agricultural sector to talks on Tuesday.

"The government and farmers have a common mission in the coming period - to help those most affected by the drought, realizing the real possibilities of the budget. No matter how much help we want to give, we have to keep in mind the existing budget. Only such an approach - a wise one - can lead to solutions that will really help farmers," he said.

Several farmers said they are in a difficult situation because of this year's drought, which has affected agricultural crops.


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