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REFERENDUM 2024 // ADR North director: EU support for development of our localities can increase significantly as Moldova moves forward on European path

20:26 | 15.08.2024 Category: Referendum 2024

On 20 October 2024, the citizens of the Republic of Moldova will take part in a constitutional referendum and will answer the question "Do you agree with amending the Constitution for Moldova's accession to the European Union?".

The results of the plebiscite will provide the basis, if most people answer yes to this question, for amending the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova so that the desire for European integration will be binding for all future governments.

Since 2020, the European Union has supported with about 220 million lei (11 million euros) five localities in the Northern Development Region, significantly contributing to improving the quality of life of citizens. Through five investment measures, the EU has ensured access to drinking water in the cities of Drochia, Fălești and Edineț, as well as to quality educational infrastructure in the village of Flămânzeni, Sângerei district and in the municipality of Balti, North Regional Development Agency director Maria Prisacari said during REFERENDUM 2024 campaign, conducted by MOLDPRES agency.

Results of the five EU investment measures in the north of the country:

Energy efficiency - Iurie Boghiu Gymnasium in Flămânzeni, Sângerei district, and Dimitrie Cantemir Theoretical High School in Balti municipality - one gymnasium renovated; one high school renovated; 9.681,3 sq.m of building envelope - thermal insulation; 55 photovoltaic panels - installed; 12 lighting pillars and fixtures (32W); ventilation, fire protection and sanitary inventory.

Annual energy consumption at the two educational institutions was reduced by about 1100 MWh, and annual CO2 emissions - by about 243 tons; 1330 students, teachers and auxiliary employees - beneficiaries; 50.7 million lei invested, of which 45.7 million lei - granted by the European Union and 5 million lei - local contributions.

Water supply: Cities of Drochia, Fălești and Edineț - 84.9 km of water supply networks - built, rehabilitated, extended five artesian wells - rehabilitated; one water pumping station - built; one drinking water treatment plant - built; two water reservoirs - built; five water reservoirs - rehabilitated; one storage for reagents - built; 62 hydrants - installed; one building repaired (pumping station); 3. 978 consumer connections. More than 50 thousand beneficiaries of modernized drinking water supply services: 188.9 million lei invested, of which 171.13 million lei - granted by the European Union and 17.78 million lei - local contributions.

In 2017-2024, the EU supported with more than 36.5 million euros 18 localities in the Republic of Moldova through the project Construction of water supply and sewage infrastructure and energy efficiency in public buildings. The project was implemented by the German International Cooperation Agency (GIZ Moldova) in partnership with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development of the Republic of Moldova. The European Union provided €36.5 million for this joint effort, strengthening cooperation ties and developing effective partnerships to bring positive change to communities across the country. Of which €33 million was used for the construction works, while €3.5 million covered the development of the technical project documentation.

Asked by MOLDPRES, Maria Prisacari says "when we say European Union we think of villages and cities with developed infrastructure, competitive regions and jobs for everyone."

Maria Prisacari: Time has shown that the European development model has positively influenced the lives of millions of citizens within the European Union. The experience of the Northern Development Region, which has benefited from EU-funded infrastructure projects, is just one example. Since 2020, the European Union has invested more than 220 million lei in five localities in the north of Moldova, helping improve the quality of life of citizens. Thus, the European Union has ensured access to drinking water in the cities of Drochia, Fălești and Edineț, as well as to quality educational infrastructure in the village of Flămânzeni, Sângerei district and in the municipality of Balti. The European Union's support for the development of our localities can increase significantly as the Republic of Moldova advances along the European path. Therefore, the standard of living in our regions and throughout the country can rise exponentially in just a few years, once the pre-accession funds from the European Union are accessed. Only together can we build European Moldova!



Reporter - Lilia Grubîi






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