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Polish PM says Moldova to always be able to rely on Poland

11:21 | 05.09.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 5 September /MOLDPRES/ - Poland will continue to support Moldova’s European integration path. You are before an important choice, which Poland made 20 years ago. Prime Minister of Poland Donald Tusk on 4 September made statements to this effect in the Moldovan parliament’s plenum.  

The official, on a visit to Chisinau, gave a speech before the MPs, representatives of the civil society, students, as well as economic agents which established commercial relations with Poland.   

Donald Tusk stressed that Poland would continue to back the European integration way of Moldova. ‘’You will always be able to rely on Poland, only if you express the wish to continue this historical process of edification of an independent and integrated Moldova, into a strong and united Europe,’’ the Polish official said.   

The PM of Poland referred to the experience of his country, which had been member of the European family for 20 years.

„ You are before an important choice which Poland made 20 years ago. The accession to the European Union was one of the cleverest choices which the Poles ever made in history and it was beneficial from all points of view. And it is not about political visions, but the real life and Poland, year after year, registered economic progress. I came before you as devoted friend and loyal friend in the efforts for a safe, sovereign and prosperous Moldova,’’ Donald Tusk said.        

The official was on his first visit to Chisinau in his capacity of prime minister of Poland. A Romanian political pundit, Mihai Isac, has told MOLDPRES that this visit represented a diplomatic signal that Poland was with Moldova and the Polish support was extremely important at the level of the European institutions.   

The expert said that the event should be regarded including through the light of a visit paid by a European leader, who enjoys reliability in the European Union’s institutions and is a convinced supporter of Moldova’s European integration.  

„The visit represents a reconfirmation of the Polish support for Moldova and of the European support. We should regard it in two notes – as PM of Poland, with an old experience in the Polish domestic policy, taking into account that he started his political career in late 1980s, early 1990s, as well as in his capacity of important member of the leadership of the European Union. So, the way Donald Tusk regards the European integration is much deeper than other European leaders regard it. Donald Tusk is a convinced pro-European, he is one of the champions of the support of Moldova’s integration into EU,’’ Mihai Isac stressed.    

The political analyst from Romania considers that the commitment taken by Donald Tusk in Chisinau must turn responsible the political establishment, as well as the citizens of Moldova. ‘’The commitments taken by Donald Tusk during his two-day visit to Chisinau must be understood by the Moldovan authorities, the residents of Moldova and must be rewarded with a better management of the process of reforms and, certainly, with the participation of the entire society from Moldova in the European integration process,’’ the political pundit noted.   

Prime Minister of Poland Donald Tusk on 4 September was on visit to Moldova. The Polish official had meetings with President Maia Sandu, PM Dorin Recean and gave a speech in the parliament’s plenum. Also in Chisinau, Prime Ministers Dorin Recean and Donald tusk signed a Joint Declaration on the support of Moldova’s accession to the European Union.  

Donald Tusk conveyed a message in the Romanian language to the Moldovans, in which he emphasized that he personally and Poland would help Moldova on its way to EU. ‘’Knowing the determination of the present Moldovan leaders, I am sure that Moldova’s accession to EU will be sped up very much when Poland will hold the EU Presidency,’’ the Polish official said.

Poland will take over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union starting from 1 January 2025.  



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