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Moldovan parliament to adopt more laws meant to improve legislation in justice sector

14:23 | 10.09.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 10 September /MOLDPRES/ - Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu today participated in a forum titled, Reformation of Justice and Combating of Corruption. The speaker referred to the legislative reforms in the justice sector and fighting corruption.    

Igor Grosu touched upon the agenda of reforms promoted by the parliament, despite the resistance inside the justice system, the war in the neighbour country and the economic disturbances triggered by the war and the pandemic. It is about the amendment of the Constitution, in order to give the judges a greater independence; adoption of the legal framework for the external evaluation of judges and prosecutors; improvement of the legislation on the Supreme Court of Justice; clarification of the powers of the Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office; adoption of the legislation which allows convicting those who stole citizens’ money and subsequently hid abroad; simplification of the criminal procedure and establishing the mechanism of assessing the performances and of the selection and promotion of judges; amendments to the criminal legislation.       

„From the experience of these years, I can say that the justice reform and the combating of corruption is, nevertheless, less about the law and more about real changes in the justice system. Although it lasted much more than we initially estimated, we finally have Superior Council of Magistracy and Superior Council of Prosecutors functional and we, just as a good deal of the society, expect from these bodies correctness, promptitude, courage and transparency. Changes are seen at the Supreme Court of Justice as well. All the society expects changes from the prosecutor’s office too, both as regards the files with high impact and as concerns the uniformity of the prosecutors’ practice,’’ Igor Grosu noted.     

He urged the justice sector institutions to prove institutional maturity for enhancing the efficiency, including in the commissions in charge of the external evaluation of the judges and prosecutors. ‘’You must stop the vicious or inefficient practices from the past. If internal changes are need, make them. If legislative amendments are necessary, we are at your disposal. Only do not look for pretext not to act,’’ Grosu said.     

The parliament speaker also said that the reformation of justice and the combating of corruption represented the greatest hope of the electors when they had given the vote of confidence to the current governance, as well as the commitments personally taken in the capacity of parliament speaker. ‘’We will fulfill this promise, although later than we initially estimated. This is also the toughest change on our way of integration into the European Union, which we cannot miss,’’ Igor Grosu stressed.  

The forum, Reformation of Justice and Combating of Corruption, the sixth edition, is organized by the Legal Resources Centre.






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