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Declaration to support Moldova's accession to EU signed by PM of Luxembourg in Chisinau

15:31 | 13.09.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 13 September /MOLDPRES/ - Prime Minister of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg Luc Frieden and Moldovan PM Dorin Recean today in Chisinau signed a joint declaration to support the country’s accession to the European Union. Luc Frieden said that Moldova was part of the great European family and Luxembourg would provide the country with every support on its European integration path.   

„This is an important visit for me as prime minister of Luxembourg, as we, as Europeans, believe that the democracy, stability, peace and prosperity on the European continent are sustainable and can exist on long term, if all countries of Europe participate on the same basis, with the same rules and the same ambitions. That is why, I ruled to positively answer the invitation by the prime minister of Moldova to come here, to support Moldova on its way towards the European Union. We cannot live in peace and prosperity in the Western Europe, if there is instability in the Eastern Part of Europe or if there is poverty or big social differences. We have every interest to make sure that the fundamental principles of the supremacy of law, of democracy, of the international law, of the respect for the human rights, for which the people of this country fought when they declared their independence more than 30 years ago, so that they should be stipulated not only in the Constitution, but should also be experienced every day. That is why, I am here today, that is why it is an honour for me to know Moldova better, to meet head of state Maia Sandu and that is why I signed this joint declaration,’’ Prime Minister of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg Luc Frieden said.       

The official also said that Moldova was part of the European family and Luxembourg would provide the country with support on the way of rapprochement with the European Union. ‘’EU gave us peace, democracy, prosperity. After the World War II, the history divided Europe. You became independent and now we should together make the next step of this process of creation of the European family, which believes in the same principles and Moldova is part of this European family. And we, the Luxembourg residents, as founding members of EU, in our common interest, will back you, will support Moldova on this path. We are proud that the beginning of the discussions on accession between Moldova and EU was in Luxembourg. Luxembourg is a country which is one of the capitals of the European Union. That is why, the negotiations started in Luxembourg and we are proud of this. This is a symbol which means a process which should not last too much, but much work must be done. We have been in EU for a long time. A lot of laws, regulations, rules were adopted and obviously that now, when you join this ‘’club,’’ you must adapt your laws to them. The others did it and you will do this. Just look at the countries from the East. Since 2004, they have managed to go through this process. Knowing the people from your Government, I am sure that you will do this in a very short time,’’ the PM of Luxembourg noted.           

Luc Frieden explained how exactly his country would be able to back Moldova on the way of rapprochement with EU. ‘’We can support Moldova by making exchanges of good practices. We have been EU members since its beginning, i.e. we are a EU founding member; we can provide, at Moldova’s request, technical assistance to the teams of the prime minister and its government for the enforcement of certain laws. We can share the best practices, when it is about the rule of law state or the legislation in the financial sector. We have experience in these fields. We also believe that we should bring people together; therefore, I proposed that we should find ways to bring students of Moldova to the university from Luxembourg. It is not only about the technical aspects to work out laws. Europe is about people; we should discover how we live together harmoniously and in this respect, it is important for people to meet each other. Based on the declaration signed today, we will find ways to deepen these things. We will work together in the months to come, in order to deepen this relation,’’ the Luxembourg official stressed.      

The PM of Luxembourg also referred to the referendum due to be held in Moldova on 20 October. ‘’The referendum due this autumn is very important for the citizens of Moldova. It gives the people the right to choose. You are to create your future. The democracy, the rule of law, the prosperity are connected to each other and we need stability in this part of Europe. For us, it is unacceptable that Russia, in a glaring infringement of the international law, invaded Ukraine. Luxembourg, just as the other EU members, strongly believes in the principles of the international law, in the country’s right to define its own sovereignty and independence and we will always be on the side of those who fight for their independence, for sovereignty, as well as for democracy and the rule of law state. This is what unites us. Therefore, we want to be with Moldova on its way of accession to the great European family of democracies,’’ Luc Frieden said.  

For his part, Prime Minister Dorin Recean thanked his Luxembourg counterpart for the support provided to Moldova. ‘’Although a pretty large geographical distance separates us, we share the same values and the common commitment to edify a European future in peace and prosperity for our citizens. Our last meeting was marked by an important event for Moldova, which occurred in Luxembourg and the namely the opening of the negotiations on accession to EU. In the context, I express our deep gratitude for the support which Luxembourg provided to our process of development of the country, of edification of a democratic society, which lives in peace and prosperity along with the friends on the entire European continent. Luxembourg is an EU founding state and a symbol of the European unity. In the Union, Luxembourg witnessed an unprecedented development, becoming the most prosperous country from the united Europe,’’ Dorin Recean said.        

The Moldovan PM also said that Luxembourg ‘’has been and stays a model of development for us, also a small country, but which fully benefited from its geographical position and the assiduous work of the citizens, becoming an important financial centre of Europe.’’ According to Recean, ‘’the cooperation between our countries allows us taking over the best practices in such sectors as domestic affairs, finances, social protection and environmental protection.’’    

„The recent discussion about the extension of the cooperation in the sector of green energy and the financial one shows our determination to develop efficient markets in these sectors and to attract new investments in the national economy. Moldova also provides important investment opportunities in the IT sector; we have gifted people and we have a friendly environment for innovation and development,’’ Dorin Recean also said. He took advantage of the occasion and invited residents of Luxembourg to discover Moldova, to enjoy Moldovan wines, which won most prizes in the region, to know the cuisine and nice places and to know the people and traditions.   

Dorin Recean also said that, in 1985, the Schengen Agreement had been signed on a boat at the border between Germany, France and Luxembourg, laying the foundations of one of the greatest achievements of EU – the freedom of movement. ‘’Today, Luxembourg continues to be an example of mobility and of development, daily providing a flow of over 2,000 cross-border employees who have well-paid jobs. Moldova edifies this possibility to be in the area of the freedom of movement. In the last ten years, the Moldovans have been travelling to EU without visas and now our priority is to get rid of the physical and bureaucratic borders which we have with our neighbours. For the young generation from Moldova, the access to the economic and educational networks of EU will mean more opportunities for the personal and professional development. Our partnerships in education and the cultural exchanges will open new horizons and will contribute to the creation of a generation of young Europeans prepared to innovate and build a competitive and prosperous Moldova,’’ Dorin Recean said.     

The Moldovan PM welcomed the signing of the joint declaration, which according to him, ‘’ reconfirms the firm support of Luxembourg for Moldova’s accession to the European Union and our common commitment for the peace and stability on the European continent. ’’One Luxembourg resident in May 1956 made a statement which was to mark the history. Europe will not be edified at once and under a single plan, but through concrete achievements which are to create, first of all, a de facto solidarity. This is what Robert Schuman said and his vision clearly reminds us that we can maintain the European project only through unity and solidarity. Today, we have the responsibility to continue this legacy, edifying an enlarged, stronger Europe, where Moldova will occupy its place with dignity nearby its European friends and partners,’’ Dorin Recean also said.       

The official specified that President Maia Sandu had set a goal, ‘’at the first blush, quite ambitious ’’ -‘’to be prepared for accession to EU by 2030.’’ ‘’We are sure that, due to the support of our partners, such as the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg,  we will succeed.  We have been waiting for this moment for more than 30 years and this time we are determined not to miss it. For this, and I here address all Moldovans, wherever they are, we should go to the referendum on 20 October, as it is important for Moldova, for all its citizens,’’ Dorin Recean added.      

Prime Minister of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg Luc Frieden pays a visit to Moldova on 12-13 September.  









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