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As of today, Moldovan citizens to be able to purchase government securities on platform

12:48 | 16.09.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, Sep 16 /MOLDPRES/- As of today, Moldovan citizens will be able, for the first time, to buy government securities without intermediaries through the first platform for direct investment in government securities -

State Secretary of the Ministry of Finance Ion Gumene announced today at a press conference that the subscription period will take place from September 16 to 25. "This means that all users of the platform, who want to invest in state securities, can announce their intention on the platform about the volume of state securities they are ready to purchase. On September 26, the authorities will make the subscription totals. This means that the money in your account will be settled and you will see you are the owner of a volume of securities. From that date the maturity of state securities, which is two years, will start to run", explained Ion Gumene.

To take part in the subscription period, citizens must create an account on the platform. The account can be created by all Moldovan citizens over 18 years of age, who have an electronic signature and have an account with a commercial bank in the Republic of Moldova.

Ion Gumene added that citizens will benefit from the most competitive interest rate on the market - 6% annually. The interest payments are made in four installments, once every half a year, which means that in March 2025, September 2025 and March 2026, the beneficiaries will receive the interest payment from the state securities. Profits from state securities are not taxed.

The platform was launched this summer.

Government Securities are one of the safest investment instruments, thanks to the full guarantee provided by the state. Through VMS, the state borrows from citizens to finance the country's development and economic growth projects. VMS include treasury bills, which are issued for up to one year, and government bonds, which are issued for terms of more than one year.


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