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BRINGING EUROPE HOME // Cahul region in southern Moldova becomes more developed thanks to Swedish-EU partnership

13:35 | 05.07.2024 Category: Regional

Sweden and Inotek - EU Innovation Center Cahul have signed a strategic partnership for the development of the southern region

On July 1, Sweden and Inotek Foundation in Cahul signed a grant agreement worth SEK 15.5 million (EUR 1.3 million) to finance development activities in the southern Moldova through Inotek - EU Innovation Centre Cahul hub. The Inotek4Cahul will run for three years.

"We are proud to sign this SEK 15.5 million grant agreement with Inotek Foundation, marking a significant step towards promoting the digital economy and innovation in southern Moldova. This partnership not only aligns with Moldova's strategic priorities in the areas of digital transformation and education, but also reinforces our commitment to inclusive economic development and European integration. Together, we will build a brighter and innovative future for the region," Ambassador of Sweden to Moldova Katarina Fried said.

The Inotek4Cahul project aims to contribute to the development of the southern region by increasing people's access to STEM education, raising interest in IT careers, providing learning and funding opportunities for entrepreneurs, organizing quality community events and promoting an entrepreneurial culture among the region's inhabitants.

Nicolae Mocanu, administrator of Inotek Foundation: By signing this grant agreement with Sweden, Inotek aims to develop and support initiatives in the education and entrepreneurship. This strategic partnership aims to support the development of Inotek - EU Innovation Center Cahul, thereby promoting innovation, sustainability, progress and sustainable development in Cahul region.

Through the planned actions and initiatives, the Inotek4Cahul project will make a significant contribution to boosting economic growth and innovation in the region. Empowering target groups in the southern region with essential digital competences and creating an innovative educational environment are major priorities set within the project.

Through targeted educational programs and actions, the project will contribute to equip children with STEM skills, laying the foundation for success. Teachers will be given the right tools and training to improve their skills in teaching IT subjects, creating a more effective learning environment.

It will also focus on bridging the gender gap by empowering girls and women to participate fully in the digital economy. Adults will also benefit from digital skills training programs, which will provide them with advanced skills in using various digital software and tools.

Digital solutions for entrepreneurs: improving the efficiency of business models and access to new opportunities

Promoting digital transformation to increase competitiveness and ensure the long-term sustainability of business is one of the priorities of Inotek4Cahul. Under the project, entrepreneurs of the southern region will be able to harness assistance and guidance in integrating digital solutions into their businesses, enabling them to improve efficiency, access new markets and discover growth opportunities.

The integration of digital technologies into business strategies will open up new market opportunities and boost innovation by creating new products and services adjusted to today's consumer demands. Moreover, digital transformation efforts will help build a strong online presence, enhancing brand reputation and influence in today's globalized digital environment.

In parallel, talented young people will be able to explore and take advantage of support in developing the necessary skills, access relevant connections and expertise in launching and managing businesses in the tech sector. These initiatives will contribute significantly to strengthening the entrepreneurial landscape and promoting innovation in the region.

Capacity building of Inotek team for the effective management of Inotek - EU Innovation Center Cahul

Inotek4Cahul project will play a crucial role in capacity building of the team for the effective management of Inotek - EU Innovation Centre Cahul hub. The team will benefit from advanced training and professional development programs, ensuring a competent and result-oriented management of the hub's work. The implementation of effective programs will boost innovation and create a robust platform for collaboration and knowledge sharing across sectors. The project will also focus on optimizing the operating mechanisms, ensuring the smooth functioning of the Centre and facilitating the local community's access to the resources and opportunities offered by Inotek - EU Innovation Centre Cahul.

Inotek - an important pillar in the transformation of southern Moldova

Inotek was created with the support of EU4Moldova: Startup City Cahul project, funded by the European Union and Sweden and implemented by the National Association of ICT Companies (ATIC). Inotek is a non-commercial organization, founded by Cahul State University "Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu" in December 2024.

Inotek aims to catalyze development and progress in the Southern region of the Republic of Moldova by harnessing and strengthening the potential of the digital economy, enhancing the competitiveness of the regional business and investment environment, and facilitating innovation and entrepreneurship partnerships between the private, public and educational sectors. By prioritizing STEM education and supporting entrepreneurship, Inotek aims to transform the region into a technology hub of reference, contributing to the country's sustainable economic and social development.

Over 3,000 people in the region, 51% of them girls and women, have benefited from the 55 initiatives carried out under the Inotek in the first year of operation, with the support of development partners, taking advantage of important opportunities for learning, personal development, career guidance, business development, exchange of experience and making valuable connections.

In addition, 400 children, youth and adults in the region have developed their digital skills or gained specific competencies for new career directions through Inotek's 10 educational and training programs. 1,000 young people have participated in various IT career guidance initiatives and events organized by Inotek in partnership with the National Association of ICT Companies.

Inotek places particular emphasis on creating a strong network that encourages the exchange of ideas, strategic partnerships and mentoring. The Centre has managed to create and strengthen a community of 1,000 active members, of which 51% are girls and women, and to successfully organize 45 community and entrepreneurial events. The 15 strategic partnerships concluded by Inotek have served as a basis for synergizing efforts and amplifying collaboration with local public authorities, the private sector, the associative environment and other important entities that support the development of the region.


Reporter Lilia Grubîi




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