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European Village // Modern photovoltaic park built in Căplani village, Stefan Voda district

20:54 | 05.07.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, July 5 /MOLDPRES/- A modern photovoltaic park has been built in the village of Căplani, Stefan Voda district under the European Village program. Thus, the streets will be illuminated at night, and more than 3,400 inhabitants of the village will be able to move around safely.

According to the National Office for Regional and Local Development (ONDRL), the project included the construction of a photovoltaic power plant with a capacity of 200 kWh.

The value of the investment is over 3.6 million lei, money allocated by the Government of the Republic of Moldova through the National Fund for Regional and Local Development. The community contribution was 36 thousand lei.

ONDRL data show that so far, under the European Village Program, first edition, 10 photovoltaic power plants/parks have been built and 25 public institutions, including administrative, educational and health care buildings in nine localities with a population of 42 thousand inhabitants have been equipped with photovoltaic systems.








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