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REFERENDUM 2024 // Angela Bogos, headmistress of kindergarten No.8, Cahul: Moldovan citizens must ensure massive turnout at referendum to remove all signs of doubt about where we are going

19:31 | 08.07.2024 Category: Referendum 2024

A constitutional referendum will be held in Moldova on 20 October 2024.

Citizens will answer the question: "Do you agree with the amendment of the Constitution to Moldova's accession to the European Union?"

The results of the plebiscite serve as a basis for amending the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova.

The European Union means peace for my family and peace in my country. In a state that adopts European standards and laws, citizens feel safe, protected from threats and uncertain situations, says Angela Bogos, headmistress of the kindergarten No. 8 "Prichindel" in Cahul. She says she came to this conclusion after facing a Soviet past and having to find herself by working abroad for years.

She says that the plebiscite organized in October is a good opportunity for the Moldovan citizens to make their choice. "Participating in the referendum gives every citizen the opportunity to influence the direction the country will take in the coming years or decades. It is a civic responsibility for each of us. Moldovan citizens must ensure a massive turnout at the referendum in order to remove all signs of doubt as to where we are going", said Angela Bogos.

The European Union has become a second home for Angela Bogos' family, who endured the ordeal of deportation and persecution under the Soviet regime. Back home after ten years of work in Italy, the manager has devoted herself to education, investing effort and hope in each generation raised at Prichindel kindergarten of Cahul.

"The European Union is based on the values of democracy, the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms. These values are fundamental for an open and tolerant European society", Bogos added.

The kindergarten was renovated three years ago with funds allocated under the EU4Moldova: Focal Regions program, as well as from money provided by local authorities, with a total of 6.4 million lei having been used.




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