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BRINGING EUROPE HOME // Waste collected to modern standards in Ungheni district thanks to EU investment

15:40 | 15.07.2024 Category: Regional

AVE Ungheni regional operator is developing and is being upgraded thanks to EU-UNDP investments

AVE Ungheni regional operator provides sanitation and waste collection services for 11 thousand households and over 750 companies in Ungheni municipality and 11 other neighboring localities. In 2021-2023, the operator received support from the European Union, UNDP Moldova and France, worth more than 307,000 euros. The company received modern equipment and advanced systems, which have helped improving the performance and quality of the services.

The video surveillance system, installed at the largest waste collection platforms from the municipality, is functional since spring 2022. GPS systems were installed on six garbage trucks in the same period. The implementation of these systems was carried out as part of the “EU4Moldova: Focal Regions” project, implemented by UNDP and UNICEF.

Almost two years after the systems were installed, the company can see several benefits  

“The access to the platforms is open, they are not locked and anyone can use them. Regrettably, we have previously faced multiple cases of vandalism, but after the video cameras were installed, the Police have identified the persons vandalising the platforms. Also, video cameras are a useful tool in informing the company that the containers are full and an intervention is needed,” company administrator Claudia Coniuhov said.

The video surveillance system helps maintain order and prevent littering outside the containers installed on the platforms. This ensures public and platform security, but also encourages citizens to apply selective collection and to keep the platforms clean and in a good condition.

At the same time, the implementation of GPS systems on garbage trucks has facilitated the monitoring of the working hours and the activity of the drivers, has promoted responsible driving behaviours and has enabled the automated generation of roadmaps for fuel consumption and vehicle trip logs.

“Compared to 2022, in 2023 fuel consumption decreased from 51,365 to 48,437 litres, and due to the GPS system, fuel consumption per 100 km per truck significantly decreased. This system also contributed to theft reduction and the promotion of appropriate driver behaviour,” Claudia Coniuhov said.

Andrei Cernei has been a driver at AVE Ungheni for almost 15 years and since the garbage truck he is driving is equipped with a GPS system and front and rear sensors, he feels his job is easier and safer: “It helps a lot, because when I reverse, I see what operation is being carried out by the operator and the sensors let me know if something is happening, therefore the security is enhanced.”

Upgraded access infrastructure and a new garbage truck

The upgrading of AVE Ungheni LTD with the support of the “EU4Moldova: Focal Regions” project started back in 2021, when a new truck for transporting selectively collected waste was purchased. A year later, an area of 4,445 m2 was set up to park the vehicles and to store the containers (bin washing area, drying area, storage area).

“The access for both trucks and employees was difficult, especially when it was raining, as there was mud everywhere. The paving of the premises of AVE Ungheni LTD had the benefits of improving access and mobility, creating parking spaces for vehicles, protecting the land and most importantly increasing productivity of processes, as well as reducing maintenance costs,” Claudia Coniuhov explains.

New containers and protection equipment for employees 

Ungheni municipality is one of the first localities in the Republic of Moldova that, starting 2008, managed to develop the necessary infrastructure for selective waste collection. Since 2017, the operator also has the right to collect waste from electrical and electronic equipment.

Seventy-eight waste collection platforms and 1,845 containers have been installed in the municipality.

The 1,845 containers of 120 litres, 240 litres and 1100 litres that had been purchased using European funds, through UNDP, and were received in November 2023. 

In 2023, the operator also received 40 new sets of protection equipment for employees (winter and summer overalls, polo shirts and winter boots). These items were purchased from the funds offered by the French Ministry of External Affairs.  

“The considerable investment in the development and upgrading of AVE Ungheni regional operator brings significant benefits for citizens. Due to the provision of appropriate and affordable public services, such as sanitation and waste collection, the inhabitants of Ungheni municipality and the neighbouring rural localities benefit from a cleaner and healthier environment. These enhanced services increase the quality of life and contribute to making the region more attractive to companies and investors”, says Alexandru Pelivan, “EU4Moldova: Focal Regions” Project Manager.

The programme also offered support for the upgrading of the water supply and sanitation operator in Ungheni. Additionally, the EU and UNDP supported the creation in Cahul of Servcom Sud, a new utility company in the field of waste management, public domain and green spaces.


Reporter- Lilia Grubîi












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