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President: Referendum on Moldova's accession to EU - significant decision for country's development, every citizen must contribute

10:15 | 16.07.2024 Category: Referendum 2024

Chisinau, July 15 /MOLDPRES/- European integration is a project of modernization and development of the Republic of Moldova. The benefits of Europeanization will be shared by all citizens of the country regardless of their ethnicity and language, but it is important that every citizen contributes to this project by participating in the constitutional referendum on October 20. President Maia Sandu made the statements to local media in Balti.

Asked to say why the referendum on October 20 is necessary, Maia Sandu replied that the government's efforts on the European integration must be supported by citizens. "It is necessary to go to the citizens, to ask them for their opinion because clarity is needed. The Republic of Moldova is moving resolutely on the path of European integration. On June 25, we obtained the decision to start negotiations. It is a very important decision, because we have started the negotiation process, we have been talking about European integration for three decades, and now things are happening," Maia Sandu told NordNews.

"But we want the effort the government is making to be supported by the citizens. We also want to see in the Constitution that this is the path followed by the majority of citizens and once it is written in the Constitution, all politicians of this country, all governments will have to follow the decision of citizens," the president added.

Maia Sandu said that the result of the constitutional referendum on October 20 will be the most important decision since the proclamation of Moldova's independence and the citizens must have their say. "It is important to go to the referendum to express our point of view. It is a very important decision. It is probably the most important decision since independence and this decision will also determine our present and our future for several decades to come", the President continued.

The head of state noted that all 27 EU member states voted in favor of granting Moldova the status of candidate country and voted in favor of opening negotiations. These decisions, according to Maia Sandu, show that Moldova is welcome in the European Union. The President also said that the process of European integration is complex and it implies the adoption of European standards in all areas. "This is what we want, that our citizens want to live better at home, and this is what they also want, better roads, modern universities, hospitals with modern equipment, there is no contradiction, through this process we speed up the modernization of the country and we also get support from the EU to make this modernization in a few years and not in thirty as we have tried to do so far and failed," the President said.

Maia Sandu urged citizens to get information from reliable sources and not to be manipulated by Russian propaganda. "The Kremlin and Moldova's oligarchs have struck a deal. They want to bring back thieves, sellers of the country to Moldova. What is important for us? It's what we want for our country and this is where we should focus, we want to live in peace, we want to have the chance to live better here at home, we want to modernize our country and the surest way to achieve this goal is the way of European integration and we should not ask those who want to harm us but ask what we are doing," the President said.

"This referendum is not about a person, it is not about a political party, it is not about a government, it is a decision that will have significant effects for the development of the country and everyone must contribute. Every citizen will enjoy the benefits of European integration regardless of what language he or she speaks and what ethnicity he or she is", said Maia Sandu.

Maia Sandu today paid a working visit to Balti, and attended the graduation ceremony of the State University Alecu Russo, discussed with teachers and students and gave an interview to the local press.

On October 20, Moldovan citizens will be called to the polls to elect the President of the Republic of Moldova and to participate in the constitutional referendum on Moldova's accession to the European Union. Citizens will have to answer the question: "Do you agree with the amendment of the Constitution in order to join the European Union?". The results of the plebiscite will serve as a basis for amending the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova.






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