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Access to qualified electronic signature to be facilitated

17:19 | 17.07.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, July 17 /MOLDPRES/- The Information Technology and Cybersecurity Service (STISC) and the Public Services Agency (ASP) are expanding the methods of obtaining electronic signature device. Thus, it will no longer be necessary to travel to Chisinau, as it will be possible to obtain the electronic signature service at the nearest multifunctional center of the ASP, the government's communication department has reported.

The pilot project is being implemented from July 15 to August 28 in Multifunctional Centers No. 3 and No. 4 in Chisinau, and will be extended to the ASP Multifunctional Centers all over the country.

Also, it will no longer be necessary to make copies of identity documents for presentation at the counter, but only the presentation of a valid identity document, the payment voucher and the application for certification of the public key, the latter can be found on Subsequently, the applicant will receive the device for creating the electronic signature, on which the pair of keys is written. Electronic signatures created with this device have the same legal force as a handwritten signature.

At the initial stage, the ASP Centers will serve only private people, while legal entities will continue to be served in STISC offices.

The initiative marks an essential step in the digitization of public services, providing citizens with a fast and efficient way to obtain the cryptographic device necessary for the creation of an electronic signature.


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