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Moldovan foreign affairs minister says ministry's work focused on ensuring support on behalf of EU states for Moldova's European integration way in last two years

12:45 | 23.07.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 23 July /MOLDPRES/ - The work of the Foreign Affairs Ministry (MAE) in the last two years has been focused on ensuring the support on behalf of the European Union member states for Moldova’s European integration way, backing the reforms and promotion of the economic diplomacy. Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign Affairs Minister Mihai Popsoi has made statements to this effect. The official today unveiled the MAE’s activity report at the parliamentary commission for foreign policy and European integration.        

The document contains both the MAE’s actions in the last two years and the priorities set for the next period, in order to optimize the diplomatic service.

Among the main results mentioned by Mihai Popsoi, there are: strengthening the image of Moldova of reliable, stable and predictable actor on the international stage. ‘’This resulted in an unprecedented support on behalf of the foreign partners, crowned, on 25 June 2024, with a historical decision on the launch of the negotiations on accession to the European Union. Outstanding diplomatic efforts were made for the consolidation of the strategic partnership with Romania, manifestation of a multidimensional solidarity on behalf of Moldova in relation with Ukraine and backing the latter’s efforts to cope with the challenges triggered by the continuation of the Russian aggression. An important factor represented the consolidation of the strategic partnerships with the USA, Canada and the United Kingdom.’’ Mihai Popsoi said.     

Among the priorities for the next period, the deputy PM referred also to the deepening of the international relations, in order to strengthen the assistance for development, consolidation of the economic diplomacy and promotion of the agreements in favour of the Diaspora.  

„We speak out for a pro-active, coherent and predictable foreign policy, oriented towards concrete results. Thus, we focus on the professionalization of the diplomatic staff, as well as on the extension of the diplomatic presence in the countries where the number of Moldovan citizens grew exponentially,’’ Mihai Popsoi noted.    

Also, two strategic priorities of MAE, coming from the government’s public policies for the 2025-2027 years, which the institution is set to fulfill, is the extension of the Moldova’s diplomatic presence through the opening of new embassies in Egypt and Kazakhstan and of additional consulates in the USA, Germany and Canada.    







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