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Moldovan law-enforcers inform about capture of drugs worth one million lei in Cahul

18:26 | 23.07.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, 23 July /MOLDPRES/ - Two men from the southern Cahul district have been arrested for 30 days, after law-enforcers found on them big quantities of marijuana and cannabis. Officers of the Anti-drug Department and criminal prosecution ones of the National Investigations Inspectorate (INI), jointly with prosecutors of the Prosecutor’s Office for Combating of Organized Crime and Special Causes (PCCOCS) inform about a capture of 5 kg of marijuana and 15 flower pots with cannabis plants in Cahul.         

According to the law-enforcers, the value of the drugs seized is of 1,000,000 lei on the black market.  

The drugs were raised from a 52-year-old man, who got a demand to get involved in the trafficking of drugs from another man aged 27 years. Thus, the latter man was selling drugs to the first one, who put them into circulation at a price higher by 50 per cent.  

Both persons were detained with the support of masked policemen of the Fulger Special Police Brigade. At the same time, at a request by PCCOCS, the two men were placed under preventive arrest for 30 days, under a conclusion by the Chisinau Court, Ciocana headquarters.   

Additionally to the capture of drugs, the law-enforcers raised small electronic weights, envelopes for packing drugs, mobile phones and bottles with special fertilizers for the cultivation of the cannabis plants.  

At the other defendant, the officers detected and raised financial means in foreign currency, mobile phones used for the illegal circulation of drugs, special audio and video technology, as well as objects which will be used as evidence.  



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