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Romanian European MP elected deputy president of European Parliament's Committee on Foreign Affairs, has situation in Moldova as absolute priority

20:39 | 23.07.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 23 July /MOLDPRES/ - Romanian European MP Rares Bogdan has been elected as deputy president of the European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET). The Romanian official informed that the situation in Moldova would represent an absolute priority in his work.  

The Romanian MEP gives assurances that he will represent ‘’with dignity’’ and ‘’loyalty’’ the interests of Romania and of the Romanians at the European Parliament. Also, Rares Bogdan notes that he will tackle the ‘’hot’’ files, with an absolute priority being the situation in Moldova.   

„We will approach with courage the hot files, which imply not only the interests of the European Union, but also of defence of the democratic values in this ever more inflamed world! My absolute priority is the situation in Moldova, which copes with Russia’s miserable blackmail and the extending information war with difficulty!’’ the Romanian European lawmaker said.    

At the same time, the Romanian MEP noted that the presence in AFET was a ‘’major’’ success for Romania in the current geopolitical context.  

„We should think about Ukraine, who wages a war of defending its citizens, as well as of the entire European Union; we should think about the enlargement process, where we want with us, in the Common European Home, both the Ukrainians and Georgians, but especially our Romanian brothers from Moldova; we should think about the conflict from the Middle East and the ever more complicated situation in the Balkans,’’ Rares Bogdan stressed.   

The Romanian MP offered thanks for the confidence given, noting that ‘’the most prestigious commission of the European Parliament brings together former heads of state and government, former foreign affairs ministers, European commissioners, former top journalists and personalities of the academic and cultural life from EU countries.

„I want to congratulate also my liberal colleagues, who got extremely important positions for Romania: Dan Motreanu was elected as deputy coordinator of the European People’s Party’s Group in the Committee on Regional Development (REGI); Daniel Buda was elected first deputy president of the European Parliament’s Committee on Agriculture and Siegfried Muresan was elected deputy leader of the EPP Group – the biggest political group of the European Parliament. Much success, dear colleagues!,’’ Rares Bogdan added.   




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