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PM has farewell meeting with Norwegian ambassador to Moldova

17:35 | 24.07.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 24 July /MOLDPRES/ - Prime Minister Dorin Recean today had a meeting with Bucharest-based Ambassador of Norway to Moldova Siri Beate Barry, who will soon end her mandate. The officials reviewed the Moldovan-Norwegian cooperation and identified the segments on which the sides can advance, the government’s communication department has reported.      

„Thank you for the every support provided to Moldova, from which also Ukrainian refugees benefited, with their integration in our society facilitated,’’ the prime minister said. In the context, the PM emphasized the 30-million-euros assistance for the support of the energy transition, available within the Nansen programme.  

The interlocutors discussed also the opening of a diplomatic office of Norway in Chisinau, which will extend the opportunities of bilateral cooperation. The sides also explored possibilities of carrying out new projects in the fields of IT, energy, as well as ways of increasing the number of Norwegian investors in Moldova. A special subject of the discussion regarded the intention to attract a Norwegian company to make flights from Chisinau.   

Ambassador Siri Beate Barry said that Norway would continue to be with Moldova in the European integration process and would provide the assistance necessary for the carrying out of reforms. In the context, Prime Minister Dorin Recean pointed out the present priorities of the authorities: justice reform, combating corruption, economic growth, implementation of the EU’s acquis, as well as the management of the hybrid threats on behalf of Russia.    




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