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REFERENDUM 2024 // Moldovan president says citizens should say freely, frankly which road they want Moldova to go

21:36 | 19.08.2024 Category: Referendum 2024

Chisinau, 19 August /MOLDPRES/ - President Maia Sandu has come up with a call to the citizens of Moldova, thereby urging them to participate in the referendum due on 20 October and stressing the importance of the free expression of the option.      

Maia Sandu, President of Moldova: „On 20 October, the people will express its opinion at the referendum, which will introduce in the Constitution the goal of Moldova’s accession to the European Union. Nobody is stronger than the people, neither the lie, nor the propaganda or the crime rings paid with dirty money from outside the country.  

Dear citizens, the referendum is not mine, is not for me. The referendum is for all people of this country. Each of us, all of us say what we believe on 20 October, we say where we want to go. No matter whether you support the accession to the European Union or do not support, go to the referendum. If you refuse to go to vote, it is as if you say that you do not care about what happens with Moldova, with your family, with your life, but I know that you care. The decision to initiate the referendum comes just from the belief that the people must decide its fate. Do not let the others decide for you. Do not let the neighbour decide for you. Come to vote on 20 October, no matter the option; say freely and frankly, by yourselves, with your own conscience, in the voting booth, which road you want Moldova to go.’’         







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