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Moldovan PM has meeting with mayors of Briceni district

18:17 | 03.09.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 3 September /MOLDPRES/ - The government’s priorities as to the development of settlements, creation of tourist routes and the problems caused by the climate changes have been among the subjects tackled by Prime Minister Dorin Recean at a meeting with representatives of the local public authorities and of the de-concentrated services from the northern Briceni district, the government’s communication department has reported.     

The PM said that, besides the European Village programme, the government prepared also other ways of financial resources for projects needed in settlements, so that the citizens from each village and city benefit from better conditions for living.  Also, the prime minister reiterated the importance of the consolidation of the capacity of writing projects, including in the context of the preparation for the accessing of pre-accession funds.     

„We rely on your capacity to work together, in order to manage to edify the European Moldova. Our priorities are common; all of us want to have access to quality water and sewerage systems, European roads, modern schools and kindergartens, a developed medical system,’’ Prime Minister Dorin Recean said.  

The government has invested over 26 million lei for the carrying out of 20 projects through the European Village and Express European Village programmes. Aqueduct and sewerage networks, street illumination networks were extended, conditions were improved in education institutions, sports fields were arranged and access ways were renovated.   

Nineteen projects worth an overall value of over 77 million lei were selected at the 2024 year edition of the European Village programme.   







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