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Regional Economic Forum Moldova 2030 // North ADR strengthens partnerships with Romania, promotes new economic development initiatives

14:11 | 09.07.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, July 9 /MOLDPRES/- North Regional Development Agency (ADR) will participate in the elaboration of a calendar of actions that will include initiatives aimed at promoting regional economic development and strengthening set partnerships. The decision was taken after a delegation of the Agency participated in the Regional Economic Forum Moldova 2030, held in early July in Vatra Dornei, Romania.

North ADR director Maria Prisacari emphasized the institution's contribution to the development of Moldovan-Romanian cooperation relations in the regional development. She referred to the investment projects implemented in the North Region of the Republic of Moldova, as well as the need to attract new investments.

The Regional Economic Forum Moldova 2030 was organized in order to ensure the necessary conditions for planning and cooperation in the context of the strategic objective Moldova 2030. The event brought together experts, leaders, decision-makers and investors to discuss and develop sustainable strategies for economic growth and regional development in order to achieve the strategic goals set for Moldova 2030.

As a generator of socio-economic development in the North of the country, ADR North develops and promotes sectoral strategies and programs, attracts resources and implements investment projects, provides support and consultancy to stimulate sustainable economic growth, partnerships and entrepreneurship. 





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