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Moldovan, European officials approach reform agenda, cooperation

14:40 | 10.07.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, July 10 /MOLDPRES/- Speaker Igor Grosu met today with European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Olivér Varhelyi, the parliament's communication and public relations department has reported.

The speaker noted that the parliament will continue to work together with the government, civil society to advance the implementation of our country's reform agenda and to gradually align the legislation with the acquis communautaire. "We are aware that each closed negotiation chapter will mean visible results for citizens, justice and the rule of law. That is why the reforms initiated in justice and fight against corruption are a priority, as well as internal security," Igor Grosu said.

He also said that two important electoral exercises for the future of the Republic of Moldova will take place this fall. 

The visit to Chisinau of Olivér Varhelyi takes place in the context of the first round of bilateral screening in the framework of the negotiations for Moldova's accession to the European Union - the assessment of national legislation on Chapter 5 Public Procurement, which concerns the efficient use of public money.





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