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European Parliament calls for support for Moldova and Ukraine in EU accession process

19:31 | 17.07.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, July 17 /MOLDPRES/- The European Parliament calls for adequate support for Moldova and Ukraine in the accession process and condemns Viktor Orban's visit to Russia. MEP Siegfried Mureșan made the statement.

Today the European Parliament passed a resolution on the need for continued EU support for Ukraine.

He noted that in the text of the resolution, the MEPs confirm the objective of allocating political, economic, humanitarian and military support for as long as it is needed until Ukraine's victory over Russia.

"At the same time, we welcome the start of accession negotiations with the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine. We see the European integration of the two countries as an investment in a more united and stronger Europe. This is precisely why, at my proposal, in the text of the resolution, we called on the European institutions and member states to allocate adequate financial and technical support to the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine in the process of accession to the European Union. At the same time, we condemn the recent visit of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban to Russia, which does not represent the position of the European Union and violates the EU treaties. We believe that this violation of the EU's position in foreign policy must not remain without consequences for the Hungarian Government", concluded Mureșan.






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