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About 150 teachers bring together in Chisinau at international congress of teachers from Romania, teachers ethnic Romanians from abroad

13:20 | 25.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 25 July /MOLDPRES/ - About 150 teachers brought together in Chisinau at the 46th edition of the international congress of teachers from Romania and ethnic Romanian teachers from abroad. The event is titled, Educational bridges: Romania and Moldova, together for future, and is held on 24-27 July.      

The event, which is scheduled to be an essential pillar in the consolidation of the educational community, brings together about 150 teachers at different disciplines from Moldova, Romania, Hungary, Ukraine and Serbia.  

During four days, the participants in the event will discuss the emotional resilience of teachers, stressing the importance of the social recognition of the emotional support for the teachers. At the same time, the teachers will promote an awareness-raising campaign as to the profession of teacher among young people and will participate in a cultural and pedagogic salon titled, Teachers – Ambassadors of the Romanian culture and identity.  

Contacted by Moldpres, the head of the General Association of Teachers from Romania, the branch of Moldova (AGIRoMd), Mariana Marin, said that the event represented a unique opportunity to discuss the present challenges and solution in the education sector, to exchange ideas and establish new partnerships.    

The congress’ goal is to facilitate the exchange of experience and good practices among teachers from Romania and Moldova at the subject of the emotional resilience, providing a friendly framework for discussions and debates on relevant educational subjects. The congress promotes the cooperation and the improvement of the educational system, consolidating the cultural and linguistic relations and inspiring the young people to follow the career of teacher through the promotion of a positive model of the educative role.  

The congress is organized by the General Association of Teachers from Romania, (AGIRo) and the General Association of Teachers from Romania, the branch of Moldova (AGIRoMd),  in cooperation with its partners – Mihai Eminescu Romanian Cultural Institute, the Chisinau city hall, the Chisinau General Department for Education, Youth and Sport, UN Women Moldova, State University of Moldova, Gheorghe Asachi Theoretical Lyceum, Chisinau, Teacher’s House, National History Museum of Moldova and the National Museum of History of Chisinau City.        

















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