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Moldovan Constitutional Court says organization of presidential elections on 20 October constitutional

19:10 | 16.09.2024 Category: Elections 2024

Chisinau, 16 September /MOLDPRES/ - The Constitutional Court (CC) today declared as inadmissible a notification by two MPs, who appealed the holding of the presidential elections on 20 October 2024.  CC President Domnica Manole has made statements to this effect.  

Lawmakers Vladimir Voronin and Diana Caraman submitted the notification to the Constitutional Court. According to them, the elections were to be organized two months after the date when the vacancy of the office appeared.  

In the context, CC explained that this article invoked referred to the cases when the vacancy of the office comes about till the expiration of the term of four years – death, impossibility to exercise the office, resignation or dismissal. Respectively, the date of establishing the elections takes place in line with the provisions of the Article 135, paragraph 2, which regards the expiration of the mandate of the incumbent president.   

The present ruling is final, cannot be subjected to any appeal, enters into force on the date of adoption and is published in Moldova’s Official Journal (Monitorul Oficial).  



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