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REFERENDUM 2024 // Moldova's Ambassador to Romania says presidential elections, referendum due on 20 October most important since declaration of Independence

23:04 | 01.10.2024 Category: Referendum 2024

Chisinau, 1 October /MOLDPRES/ - The presidential elections and the constitutional referendum due on 20 October are the most important democratic ballots since the declaration of Moldova’s Independence. Moldovan Ambassador to Romania Victor Chirila has made statements to this effect.    

The diplomat said that the vote given on 20 October ‘’will ratify Moldova’s fate for the next decades.’’  

„The European states have widely opened their doors for Moldova’s accession to EU. Now, it is our turn to clearly say to the European partners whether we want and are ready to cross the threshold of the Union. That is why, the vote given on 20 October will ratify our fate for the next decades, will mark the future of our relations with Romania and the European Union, will decide our independence, security and freedom,’’ the ambassador said.       

Victor Chirila also said that  ‘’Moldova today has a unique historical opportunity to be part of the most advanced European community, where the states are respected not because they are big, but because they are free, democratic, prosperous, tolerant,  peaceful and united. ‘’The missing of this unique occasion will be a great failure not of President Maia Sandu, but of Moldova, of its dream to become really a free, independent and prosperous state,’’ Victor Chirila said.    

Moldova will open 16 polling stations in Romania for the presidential elections and the republican constitutional referendum due on 20 October.

According to a press release by Moldova’s Embassy in Bucharest, three out of those 16 polling stations will work in Bucharest, of which two at the headquarters of the Permanent Electoral Authority and one at the National Council of Claims Settlement and by two polling stations in Cluj and Iasi. Also, Moldovans will be able to express their right to vote at other polling stations opened in Bacau, Brasov, Constanta, Craiova, Galati, Oradea, Sibiu, Suceava and Timisoara.  




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