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Local authorities of Moldova to be able to take decisions on creation, construction of public forum monuments

19:31 | 18.07.2024 Category: Culture

Chisinau, 18 July /MOLDPRES/ - The local authorities will be able to take decisions on the creation and construction of public forum monuments locally, on the grounds owned. The parliament today voted a draft law on the amendment of the Law on monuments in the second reading.  

The public forum monuments represent real estate monumental fine art works, compositions in space and volume, statues, busts, memorial plaques with sculptural relief, roadside crosses, crosses. These things, along with the ground delimited for them, have decorative, commemorative or religious character, are placed in public areas, on grounds owned by the state or by the administrative and territorial units.     

Presently, the law sees two types of public forum monuments: the ones of the A category, included in the national register of public forum monuments approved by the parliament, based on proposals of the Culture Ministry, which benefit from national protection statute and the ones of the B category, included in the register of public forum monuments, approved by the district public authorities, which benefit from local statute of protection. For both categories of monuments, there is a single procedure of foundation, which implies, each time, the approval of a Government Decision.  

Under the draft voted, the competence to decide the foundation, displacement and liquidation of public forum monuments will be delegated from the government to the Culture Ministry. The list of the acts needed and the procedure for their submission are to be established in an instruction approved under an order by the culture minister.  

The decisions of the local public authorities will be adopted based on the positive Notification by the Culture Ministry, which confirm that the public forum monument will contribute to the promotion of the national and international values and is integrating into the state’s cultural policies. The assigning of the status of national protection for the A category will stay, on continuation, within the parliament’s competence.  



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