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Moldovan president discusses achievements of Infrastructure and Regional Development Ministry

16:14 | 24.07.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 24 July /MOLDPRES/ - President Maia Sandu and Infrastructure and Regional Development Minister Andrei Spinu today discussed the last years’ achievements, which contribute to Moldova’s modernization, the presidential press service has reported.      

The head of state said, starting from 2022, when the European Village national programme was initiated, almost 1.8 billion lei had been invested in 906 settlements. The money was used for the improvement of the living conditions in Moldova’s villages and towns.  ‘’The European Village programme proves that together - the central administration, with the financial support of the partner countries from the European Union and with the perseverance of the local administration – we manage to transform settlement after settlement and thus modernize the whole Moldova,’’ the president said.      

During the dialogue with Minister Spinu, the head of state also referred to the fact that, in the last three years, 90 kindergartens, 20 creche groups, 84 lyceums and gymnasiums and 99 community centres had been renovated in different regions of the country. The leadership managed to renovate or construct 750 km of water supply systems, 135 km of residual waters’ sewerage systems and about 610 km of street public illumination networks.  

At the same time, as of 2021, 700 km of roads have been constructed and rehabilitated, of which 65 km represent roads built from the scratch – the bypass roads of Comrat and Sangerei and of the villages of Bahmut, Troita Noua and Porumbrei. Another 635 km represent rehabilitated national roads. Also, eight bridges have been reconstructed in the last years.   

„The investments in the development of settlements and the national infrastructure, made in this mandate, are the biggest ones since the declaring of the Independence so far. We want and we can invest even more. The accession to EU will allow us modernizing more settlements quicker, so that each family of Moldova has better living conditions,’’ President Maia Sandu added.   



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