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Moldovan ethno-cultural organizations sign addressing on integration into EU

15:39 | 25.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 25 July /MOLDPRES/ - The national programme, Consolidation of interethnic relations in Moldova in the context of the European integration – CRIn, has been launched in Chisinau. The programme provides for the organization and holding of informing, cultural and artistic events, the goal of which is to promote the inter-cultural dialogue under the aegis of the European Union’s official motto – Unity in Diversity.    

The programme will be carried out in Moldova’s settlements populated preponderantly by national minorities and will include information and educative events, Europe in my village. Opportunities of the European integration and good practices of projects’ implementation will be presented at the event. At the same time, the programme sees also the organization of joint cultural and artistic events, My love is Moldova, with the participation of local and regional artistic bands of minorities and the majority.      

The CRIn programme was created and is implemented by the Interethnic Relations Agency, along with ethnic and cultural organizations, with the support of Moldova’s government and the central and local public authorities.  

„The programme is meant for the consolidation of the relations, communication between the ethnic communities. We will be united for Moldova’s well-being,’’ the director general of the Interethnic Relations Agency, Veaceslav Reabcinschii, said.   

At the same time, within the Programme’s presentation, the leaders of the ethnic and cultural organizations signed an Addressing to the ethnic communities of Moldova on the integration into the European Union. In the document, they expressed support for Moldova’s advancement on the European integration way and asked the political forces and the civil society to cooperate to this end.  

Attending the event, the secretary of the parliament’s commission for culture, education, research, youth, sport and mass media, MP Marcela Adam stressed that this initiative came in the context of the commitment of the governance – to develop the communities of Moldova. ‘’The European Union is the peace project, the project which will ensure our daily development. It is good that we launch this dialogue, in which all ethnic groups are close to each other in a joint urge for the European Moldova,’’ Marcela Adam stressed.     

The Addressing reads that the European integration will improve the protection of the rights of the ethnic minorities through the involvement of the EU’s values and standards on the rule of law state, human rights and combating the discrimination and other forms of intolerance in the national legislation.   

The Addressing is a document open also for other organizations or local public authorities, where preponderantly representatives of ethnic communities live.  











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