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Moldovan parliament to convene at solemn meeting on marking 30th anniversary of Constitution's adoption

12:59 | 26.07.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 26 July /MOLDPRES/ - The parliament on 29 July will convene at a solemn meeting dedicated to the marking of the 30th anniversary of the Constitution’s adoption. The parliament’s standing bureau approved the decision on the summoning of the special session.    

The solemn meeting will bring together present and former MPs, former presidents of Moldova, former presidents of the Constitutional Court, members of the Commission and the working group for the elaboration of draft Moldova’s Constitution, who were directly involved in the working out of the country’s Fundamental Law.   

Prime Minister Dorin Recean, senators from Romania, members of the Constitutional Court, of the Superior Council of Magistracy and Superior Council of Prosecutors, heads of state institutions and authorities, representatives of the diplomatic corps accredited in Moldova and of the academic environment are also expected to participate in the solemn meeting, due to be moderated by Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu.    

Also on 29 July at 14:00, a scientific and practical conference titled, Republic of Moldova’s Constitution at 30th anniversary and the European integration, will be held. The event will be moderated by the head of the parliament’s juridical commission for appointments and immunities, Veronica Rosca and her counterpart from of Romania’s Senate Cristian-Augustin Niculescu-Țâgârlaș. The conference will bring together about 100 participants – deputies, senators from Romania, representatives of the academic environment. They will present works on scientific investigations in the field of constitutional law and aspects of the European integration. The works unveiled will be included in the collection of works of the Conference.    

Also, on these days, the parliament hosts a topic-related exhibition dedicated to marking the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the Republic of Moldova’s Constitution. The exhibition contains over 150 publications selected from collections of Moldova’s National Library, Library and archive of the parliament, which turn to good account the Fundamental Law of the state – the Constitution.   

The Day of the Republic of Moldova’s Constitution is annually marked on 29 July. The Fundamental Law was adopted by the parliament on 29 July 1994 and entered into force on 27 August 1994.   



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