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Export of bee honey produced in Moldova doubles in one year

19:24 | 26.07.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 26 July /MOLDPRES/ - The exports of honey produced in Moldova has doubled in one year alone, from 918 tons in the first half of the 2023 year to 1,900 tons this year. At the same time, on the same time interval, the bee keepers from Moldova made businesses worth 82 million lei.  

„I am proud of our exporters. A sound economy is based on production and exports; therefore, we try to support any success story. The export of honey doubled in a single year. More exactly, - 2.1-fold. While in the first period of the 2023 year, our bee keepers exported 900 tons, in 2024, the quantity of honey exported reached 1,900 tons. Our bee keepers made businesses worth 82 million lei – money which came to the country. These nice results represent, first of all, the merit of our bee keepers – hard-working and dedicated people, of whom we are really proud. Each jar of honey exported is the fruit of their work, of the care for bees and the passion for this occupation,’’ Deputy Prime Minister, Economic Development and Digitalization Minister Dumitru Alaiba said.       

The official informed that the Organization for Entrepreneurship Development (ODA) this week had launched a new programme for small producers, who can benefit from training and non-refundable financing. ‘’We will support, in continuation, each industrious man of this country,’’ Dumitru Alaiba stressed.  

According to data by the Agriculture and Food Industry Ministry, there are 9,421 authorized beekeepers in Moldova (who hold passport of the bee garden) and 3,319 of them have legal form of activity.  The most well-known types of honey produced in Moldova are the poly-flower honey, lime-tree honey, acacia honey. At the same time, the bee keepers of the country also produce rape honey, sunflower honey, lavender honey, buckwheat honey, common sage honey and coriander honey.      

On 24 July, the parliament approved a draft which sees that Moldova would annually mark the National Bee Day on 20 May. The proposal to establish the holiday comes on behalf of bee keepers and is aimed at promoting the consumption of honey and apicultural products.  



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